Check Out Our Merch!

HaZamir Beit She'an

Conductor: Hadas Sturman

Coordinator(s): Herzl Yona

Contact Email: [email protected]

Rehearsal Day: Monday

Rehearsal Time: 5:15pm

Rehearsal Location: Beit HaMusica

Address: Na'aman Street #3

Conductor Bio:

Hadas Sturman is the HaZamir Israel Project Manager and Conductor of HaZamir Beit She'an. She attended the Music Academy at Tel Aviv University. Ms. Sturman holds a BA in Choir Conducting and completed a two-year internship in Children’s Choirs. She has been conducting a professional conservatory choir for the last fifteen years.

Zamir Choral Foundation
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1948
New York, NY 10115

[email protected]
(212) 870-3335

[email protected]
(212) 870-3339

HaZamir is a program of the Zamir Choral Foundation
Matthew Lazar, Founder and Director