Check Out Our Merch!

Leon Sher

I am honored and blessed that “Heal Us Now” was chosen from among so many wonderful and inspiring possible pieces of music to be sung by the HaZamir alumni at this historic 25thAnniversary Gala Concert.  Originally written as a humble, heart-felt prayer for healing inspired by both the desire for personal, physical, emotional and spiritual healing of family and friends, as well as the hope for national healing between Israel and her neighbors, “Heal Us Now” has grown in significance for people all over this country and around the world.  In addition to being sung weekly by many cantors and synagogue choirs, it is sung by community choirs, high school and church choirs, and I was honored to lead the United States Congress in singing this prayer at a Healing Service after the January 2011 shooting in Arizona of then- Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and 18 others.  But my latest, greatest moment of gratitude and pride in “Heal Us Now” is that it is being sung today by the alumni of HaZamir. Zamru achim! Zamru!

Zamir Choral Foundation
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1948
New York, NY 10115

[email protected]
(212) 870-3335

[email protected]
(212) 870-3339

HaZamir is a program of the Zamir Choral Foundation
Matthew Lazar, Founder and Director